


We are independent of government, religions and political parties. We carry out developmental activities that meet the needs of the present and future generation without compromising the ability of communities to take control of their socio-economic development that generate employment and eliminate extreme poverty.


Bogi Health Organization for Development (BHODEV) is an NGO working to promote health, peace, social justice & sustainable development in Cameroon, founded in 2014 and legalized in 2019. BHODEV was founded by a group of medical doctors, nurses, entrepreneurs and psychologists who were concerned with the predicament of the rural communities especially the interior and inaccessible areas making the inhabitants vulnerable such as persons with disabilities, displaced women and children, widows, orphans, school dropouts, minority groups who are all beneficiary of our programs.

BHODEV was born in order to assist the vulnerable population in the rural communities of the North West and South West Region of Cameroon. This group of medical doctors, nurses, entrepreneurs, psychologist and other well-wishers pioneer by the president & CEO, Mr Hans Asa Tanga interest was not only in serving those rendered vulnerable but advocating for them and denounce the injustice of the vulnerable people living in the rural communities. Accessing the rural communities we discovered that they were faced with health challenges, inequality, gender-based violence, poor hygiene and sanitation, inadequate educational facilities which brought fort the department of Education and Gender. In the course of carrying out the activities in the education and gender department we realized that there was a need for the livelihood and environmental sustainability department as not everyone could be reached through educational sector. These departments have separated focus but work closely to bring the best impact to build the Cameroon community on the basis of peace, social justice, care, humanitarian and progress as we strive for an established national community health based in order to ensure the wellbeing of every indigene.

We are independent of government, religions and political parties. We carry out developmental activities that meet the needs of the present and future generation without compromising the ability of communities to take control of their socio-economic development that generate employment and eliminate extreme poverty.


Community Health at Heart


We strive to create and empowered community that provide good health for all.

Our Values



Our Work gives us Strength



Commitment in serving the Society



What we do is meant to last



Accountable to our partners, community and ourselves

Our Slogan

Good Health for all

Our Motto

Humility, Dedication, Service

Our Policies

Mr Hans Asa Tanga

Hans Asa Tanga has been on the forefront of humanitarian and developmental response via BHODEV in the North West and South West Region since 2014. His focus has been to empower the vulnerable and marginalized population as he provides persons around the world with unique opportunities to connect and assist people in need around the African communities and create great impact in the lives of individuals as well as the community as a whole. He has empowered more than 850 women and youths in different capacities through micro project implementation, monitoring and evaluation, business planning and implementation. More than 50 campaigns and projects on the fight against malaria in the hinterland.